

D. I. Engineering Corporation of America

Booth 560


D.I.E.C. America (http://www.diec-america.com) is proud to introduce a new way to support quality control for your brewery.  The genesig q16 by Primerdesign Ltd, a portable real-time PCR spoilage detection system, will solve your problem and save you time and money. There is no other method on the market able to detect food and beverage bacteria in this precise of a way. Furthermore, there is no need for any previous microbiological experience in order to operate the q16. Just follow our very user friendly step-by-step manual consisting of both numbered and color coded lab equipment, the system and software will detect and analyze the spoilage for you. The analysis is complete in about 2 hours, including preparation time- you'll then be ready to serve worry-free, great quality beer to your customers. D.I.E.C. group (http://www.diec-group.com) is located in the U.S.A., Japan and Singapore. Each of our individual companies strive to achieve goals by being creative and enthusiastic.