

Great American Brewery Runs

Booth 2352


The Great American Brewery Runs are the best of running and craft brewing. We partner with the best local craft breweries to develop races that celebrate the craftmanship and dedication of those breweries.  Like the brewers we partner with, we take great pride in our races. So, all races are professionally timed, courses are measured to the inch, and each race is executed with dedication. Each race is also a festival, with live music, brewery tours and food vendors.  So, after they finish, runners can relax in the sun, drink a beer and celebrate two of their great passions - running and beer.  Our events are designed to promote your brand to new consumers, drive beer and merchandise sales and engage with customers through celebration. All of this is done at little cost to the brewery. Best of all, every race gives back to your local community. Contact us today to see how we can put together an exciting and engaging event at your brewery.