During his 18 years at Boulevard Brewing Company, Steven Pauwels has overseen all aspects of brewing and quality control as the regional craft brewer’s sales have more than quadrupeled, to over 219,000 barrels in 2016. Pauwels is also responsible for more than a dozen additions to Boulevard’s brand lineup, including the critically acclaimed Smokestack Series line of artisanal beers.
Pauwels grew up steeped in the brewing industry. His first stint in the business came with summer work at his hometown brewery, Eeklo’s Brouwerij Krüger, where his father held a job. After receiving degrees in Biochemical Engineering from KaHo Sint-Lieven and in Business Administration from Mercator, both in Ghent, Belgium, he held positions at the Domus brewpub in Louvain and at RIVA brewery in Dentergem.